Maintaining A Balanced Arizona Legislature

Currently, Arizona has a Republican majority in both chambers of the State Legislature. We need more balance at the Capitol in order to force negotiation and compromise. Under Republican leadership, populations that already face discrimination, including people of color, women, the LGBT community, and people with disabilities have been placed at risk. My election to the State Senate could mean a change in leadership and that would mean an end to one-party rule in Arizona. All good ideas will get a fair hearing. There will be time for public testimony on a variety of bills. No more all night sessions to craft a budget. We will create a marketplace of ideas that fosters innovative solutions to the problems we face.
Enhancing Education and the Economy

Our education system is the foundation for our state’s future, and right now we are failing our kids and our future. I believe we need to restructure the way we fund our public education system. We need to invest in our teachers, require smaller class sizes, and prioritize public neighborhood schools. Also, we need to protect families’ choices by developing strong accountability measures for charter schools. A highly educated, trained local workforce – and robust infrastructure – will motivate businesses to move to Arizona. We need to create a sustainable and diverse economy that has the ability to compete globally for new, high-wage jobs.
I come from generations of small-business owners. I’m proud of Arizona’s growing businesses, but I’m against corporate welfare. Arizona Republicans think the state succeeds economically when corporations benefit from huge tax breaks. This failed economic policy goes by many names but has had one result: a shrinking budget, and that leads to underfunded public services.
In my first term in the Senate, Arizona Republicans gave corporations even more tax breaks, including one for buying corporate jets. I know firsthand that corporate handouts lead to poorly maintained infrastructure and inadequate funding for our public schools. Everybody wins when corporations pay their fair share.
Ensuring Access to Quality,
Affordable Healthcare

All Arizonans deserve access to quality, affordable healthcare. As a former teacher, I know that there is a direct correlation between healthy children and learning. I support the continued availability of Medicaid and KidsCare to all who are eligible. I know we need meaningful reforms to make healthcare more affordable, including the opportunity to purchase health insurance through our current state Medicaid program.
It is absolutely critical that all reforms protect people with pre-existing conditions. Additionally, women in Arizona must have access to safe, legal reproductive healthcare in our state, and they must have the ability to make their own decisions regarding their healthcare.
Arizona is facing a physician shortage and I will advocate for new policy and expanded programs that will help retain graduate medical professionals in our state and strengthen our hospital system.
Border Security

We are losing too many lives to the opioid crisis in Arizona, and one way to mitigate that is to increase border security. Because the vast majority of drugs entering Arizona and the rest of the country come through vehicles crossing at legal ports of entry, we need a coordinated effort from our state and federal elected officials to bring more resources – staffing and technology – to the ports of entry in Arizona.
Yes, this is a federal issue, but we are the ones paying the price–and the price has been far too high for far too long. This is personal for me. In 2020, I lost my own son to fentanyl after he took what he thought was a percocet, but was actually a pill laced with fentanyl. For decades–through both Republican and Democratic administrations–the federal government has failed to provide enough resources at the border to ensure that Arizona residents stay safe, and it’s in the best interests of Arizonans that additional resources are sent to lessen the toll.
Additionally, there is a role for the state legislature in providing needed support for our border communities. Although there are strict policies in place now limiting the numbers of asylum-seekers crossing the border, our border communities remain on the front lines for immigrants passing through Arizona from the border to their final destinations throughout the country.
Expanding Arizona’s
Renewable Energy Industry

Arizonans know our state has a unique connection to the sun. Arizona has the potential to be a renewable energy powerhouse, but the current State Legislature has been a roadblock to achieving it. Let’s get Arizona on track to lead the nation in solar, wind, and hydroelectric energy production, and let’s save taxpayers money in the process.
Green, renewable, sustainable energy is projected to be a leading job creator now and in the future; Arizona has the knowledge and infrastructure, but now we need policies that move us forward. I’ll work to make sure we don’t overlook our unique energy capabilities.